Brensham Road, Tewkesbury, Gloucestershire , GL20 8EW


Tirlebrook Primary School

Explore. Enjoy. Excel. Together


About Us

Tirlebrook Primary School is situated in a pleasant residential area on the outskirts of Tewkesbury, with a Pupil Admission Number (PAN) of 210 pupils. The school opened in 1971 and there are 7 classrooms, a library, a large hall and an ICT suite. A new classroom for our Reception class was purpose built in 2011-2012 and opened in September 2012. The school predominantly receives children from the Newtown area although children attend from other parts of Tewkesbury. Tirlebrook is a modern building with individual classrooms that were fully refurbished in 2007. It is set in lovely grounds with three playgrounds, a large playing field, a tyre park, an outdoor gym and an allotment area. A 'Woodland Workshop' forest area has been developed and we have planted an orchard in our school grounds. We have also created a spiritual garden. 

School Vision

Success for Tirlebrook is based on our shared vision: "Tirlebrook: Explore. Enjoy. Excel. Together.", with a focus on the life skills needed for all pupils to lead responsible, independent, confident and happy lives. The school has a welcoming, friendly ethos and values good behaviour and a rich, vibrant learning environment. We are committed to working together with the community and work hard to maintain the school’s family atmosphere, developing methods of communication to ensure the continued effectiveness of the school. We are developing a themed, creative curriculum including providing opportunities to enhance learning for all our children with visits and visitors. We continue to develop our working environment for all learners and have worked hard to develop consistency across our school. 

School Values

Positive Attitude, Creativity, Environment and Community are the core values that drive our school. We share and celebrate success and reward excellence in our school community with weekly whole school celebration assemblies. During our assemblies, children are recognised for exhibiting our school values. Families are invited to attend and our house cup is also awarded. Achievements of our pupils outside of school are celebrated too. Three times a year we hold a Cup Assembly where we celebrate those pupils who have modelled our core values and award our core value medals and the school's core value cups.

We value strong relationships with governors, parents and the community to support the children’s learning and personal development. We are committed to maintaining and developing these partnerships. We have worked hard to improve communication with parents. A survey/ questionnaire in the Autumn term showed that parents are very positive about our school. 

We have a collaborative, hard working and welcoming staff team with a wide range of skills and interests. Teaching staff are well supported by experienced teaching partners. There are seven classes - Elder (Y6), Rowan (Y5), Silver Birch (Y4), Maple (Y3), Willow (Y2), Cherry (Y1) and Oak (YR) - all named after trees planted in the school grounds. In 2017, we opened our own governor-run nursery class, Little Oaks.

At Tirlebrook we offer a wide range of opportunities for our pupils to further enrich their learning. Extra-curricular opportunities include a large number of after-school clubs such as, dance, cookery, sports and art activities. There are performance opportunities with productions performed to audiences including parents, other pupils and local invited guests. We also run themed weeks throughout the year, go on visits and invite visitors in, make use of our outdoor learning environment, go on residential trips and offer opportunities to learn musical instruments. 

In 2010 Tirlebrook gained the International School Award. We were part of the Get Set for the Olympics Programme from 2011-2012 and in 2012 we also gained the Bronze Eco-School Award. In 2015 we received Silver and Gold Tree Awards from the Woodland Trust and in 2016 we were awarded the quality standard for the Achievement for All programme. In July 2014 we achieved the School Games Silver Award in recognition of our commitment to PE and school sport and the wide range of sporting opportunities on offer at our school. In 2015 we went on to be awarded the School Games Gold Award, something that was achieved again in 2016, 2017 and 2018. In 2019, Tirlebrook was awarded School Games Platinum status, one of very few schools to achieve this status across the country. We have also held the Star Award for our Code Club since September 2014, again one of only a few primary schools across the country to do so. In 2018, our school was accredited with the Healthy Living and Learning Schools Award for 2018-2021.  

The school was graded 'Good' for a subject specific R.E. inspection in 2011. In the meantime, Tirlebrook has been rated 'Good' by Ofsted since June 2015. In March 2019 a further Ofsted inspection deemed that our school continued to be 'Good'.

Comments, Concerns and Compliments


If there are aspects of school life you would like to make us aware of, we would be pleased to hear from you. Comments, concerns and compliments sheets are available in our main school entrance.