Brensham Road, Tewkesbury, Gloucestershire , GL20 8EW


Tirlebrook Primary School

Explore. Enjoy. Excel. Together


Tirlebrook's Eco-Council

2021 - 2022 Eco-Council Leaders

Year 1 Abigail & Oliver
Year 2 Charlie & Ellcie
Year 3 Jayden & Lola
Year 4 Bella & Oliver
Year 5 Chaya & Matthew
Year 6 Katie, Naomi, Charlie & Rosie

Meet the Team

Meeting Minutes

 December 2021.pdfDownload
 January 2022.pdfDownload
 November 2021.pdfDownload
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Tirlebrook School Eco Checklist (January 2022)

We have been talking about ways in which we can all reduce our energy consumption and reduce our waste. The Eco Team has agreed and set up a weekly checklist - to be monitored by Eco-Council - designed to check all areas of the school are being "green". Eco-Council will be checking lights and whiteboards are switched off when not needed, taps are not left on, recycling is not being thrown in the waste bin and plastic and fruit waste is being properly recycled. Eco-Council will be sharing their findings with teachers and classes in the next few weeks!

Eco Christmas Presents (December 2021)

In our December meeting, the Eco Team talked about ways to reduce climate change. We discussed trying to use less of the world's resources and to lessen our use of energy.

We decided one way to do this was to reuse materials that would otherwise have to be recycled, to make a home-made Christmas gift for a family member. 

The Eco Team helped to present an assembly to the whole school to launch this idea and then continued to help each class with collecting the resources needed and lead understanding about the project and its aims. 

A great effort by Eco Team!

Eco Team Litter Pick (September 2021)

"I just don't understand why people drop litter!"

Charlie (Year 2)

It's been an active start to the year for the Eco Team as they have already been out and about, busy helping the environment!

In our first meeting of the year, members of the Eco Team walked to Derek Graham Memorial Park in Newtown and carried out a 'Litter Pick'!

Children kitted themselves out in gloves and high visibility jackets and were very industrious as they completed their mission to clear the park of litter.

The Eco Team are now inspired to set up regular Litter Picks in the school grounds and beyond in order to help protect our environment and make the environment a better place for everyone!

"We have collected loads of litter but it is disappointing that people dropped it in the first place!"

Jayden (Year 3)