Brensham Road, Tewkesbury, Gloucestershire , GL20 8EW


Tirlebrook Primary School

Explore. Enjoy. Excel. Together


Coronavirus (COVID-19)

The latest information on how Tirlebrook is approaching the Coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic can be found here

Letters & Newsletters - Information for Families

Home Learning

NHS Educational Films

Preventing and Managing Sickness, including Outbreaks - Procedures - Coronavirus (COVID-19) Focus

Based on current guidance, this document outlines our intention to support members of our school community throughout the current health situation. Please be advised that this document is for your reference only; these procedures are subject to change as the situation and advice surrounding Coronavirus (COVID-19) is constantly evolving and being updated. As such, our procedures also need to be flexible. Therefore, our handling and management of the situation may not entirely be reflected by the content of this document. We are trying to do everything we can to delay the spread of Coronavirus (COVID-19) and keep all members of the school community safe. Thank you for your understanding in these exceptional and challenging times.